Air charging technology causes technological innovation in the furniture industry.

Publish Time: 2022-04-07     Origin: Site

Since 2020, mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, OPPO, Xiaomi, and Samsung have continuously developed wireless charging technology. Through more than two years of continuous accumulation of experience and technical precipitation, wireless charging has gradually moved from concept to reality and entered our lives. So what exactly is this technology, and why can it be charged in the air?

The core of qi wireless charger module technology is spatial positioning and space energy transmission. It is reflected in the charging pile and the mobile phone, respectively. The charging pile has 5 built-in phase interference antennas, which can locate the mobile phone in milliseconds and accurately detect the position of the mobile phone. A phase-controlled array of 144 antennas transmits millimeter waves to mobile phones in a directional manner through beamforming. On the mobile phone side, built-in "beacon antenna" and "receiving antenna array." The beacon antenna broadcasts position information in the space field through low power consumption. The receiving antenna array composed of 14 antennas converts the millimeter-wave signal emitted by the charging pile into electrical energy through the rectifier circuit.

Air charging technology is essentially a wireless technology. There are three main technical principles of wireless charging: electromagnetic induction, resonance, and wireless radiofrequency. Qi wireless charging, which is widely used in mobile phones, belongs to electromagnetic induction technology.

The advantages of electromagnetic induction charging are high charging efficiency and high conversion rate, but the distance requirements are stricter. It would help to place the mobile phone on the wireless charging board to charge typically. To achieve 80W or even 120W, the conversion rate is about 80%.

Electromagnetic resonance does not require "intimate contact" between the mobile phone and the charging board. The maximum charging distance can reach about 10cm. Increasing the distance will sacrifice the conversion rate. The conversion rate of the electromagnetic resonance charging method is about 70%. This principle is currently used in wireless charging solutions on furniture such as desks, coffee tables, and bedside tables.

Our smart homes are universal qi wireless receiver modules that use the principle of electromagnetic induction charging. You can start wireless charging as long as the mobile phone or other devices are placed in the designated position.

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